Friday, June 28, 2013

New Life Children's Home

For those of you wondering what New Life Children's Home looks like...
wonder no more!!
Here are some pictures I took from different angels and places to give you an idea of what my temporary home looks like.

They are currently adding more dorms to make more space for more children.
Praise the Lord!!
It currently houses 29 children but with the added rooms it can hold 60.
They are also building intern housing/apartments in the back of the orphanage so that interns who are coming to serve long term or short term will have a nice place to stay.

Pray for sponsors for the future children of New Life Children's Home.
Without sponsors... they cannot bring in more children.
And if they cannot bring in more children... they cannot tell them about Jesus.
Also, pray how you specifically can help this ministry.

It is a blessing to be apart of something so wonderful.

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